
As a self-proclaimed scout rifle guy... (Destiny)

by slycrel ⌂, Wednesday, July 15, 2015, 19:42 (3519 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

...I agree. VoC and FoIY are good, not great. I'd not use them if it weren't for their elemental attributes. And large clip size, which matters in some cases.

Scout rifles seem to have now becomes the gun that auto-rifles could have been with the addition of auto-fire. Getting a scout that hits hard is much more rare nowadays. (Sure would like an elemental scholar!) My Gheleon's Demise and A.1F-19x are both much more to my liking than the other, more common, scout rifles. They hit hard, are relatively stable, and reward a patient hand. I think the best hand cannons, with their fantastic range, have eclipsed this class of scout rifles into obscurity. So much so that I use hand cannons as often as I use scout rifles now, even though I prefer the way a scout generally handles over a hand cannon.

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