
The ToO primaries rock! (Destiny)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Wednesday, July 15, 2015, 11:04 (3519 days ago) @ Funkmon

The perks on the ToO weapons do seem to be better suited for PvP, but after using them in PvE I absolutely love them.

I've got adept (elemental) versions of all the primaries, and they've quickly become my favorite set of PvE weapons. The Scholar has a low ammo count but it hits like a truck, has outlaw for fast reloads, and does bonus damage after reloads. I can kill level 20 minataurs in 3 hits with mine (it has void damage). The mesanger's headseaker perk makes it great for PvE as well as PvP. Jewel of Osiris is practically identical to Fatebringer in terms of handling and base damage, so it's no slouch. I had a couple arc versions that I sharded (redundant since I have 3 Fatebringers) but I now have solar and void versions which are great. The Summoner feels a bit underpowered, but so do all Auto Rifles. But it's probably my favorite AR at the moment.

The ToO weapons don't have anything on par with Fatebringer, but as a collection I'd say they're the best set of primaries in the game right now.

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