
Call me crazy... (Destiny)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Wednesday, July 15, 2015, 12:08 (3519 days ago) @ Funkmon

But I don't like Vision of Confluence, and I'm not crazy about Fang of Ir Yut, either. I know they're both great guns, but they fall into an akward "in between" zone for me. When I'm using a scout rifle, I either want it to hit hard, or spam bullets like crazy. Ghallion's Demise with outlaw & firefly is one of my favorites, while the NX Shadow with full auto and explosive rounds is great on the other end of the spectrum. I find VC and FoIY just don't fit my playstyles.

Of the PoE weapons, the only one I actually like is Wolves Leash II, specifically for the Fallen Captain stun perk. Most other guns with that perk have such a slow rate of fire that the chances of ever stunning a captain are low. But the WL II has a high RoF and great range, so you can spam captains before they get close and blind them. I have a Solar version that I'm using for now, but I'm hoping for an arc version.

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