
Nice pics (Destiny)

by squidnh3, Tuesday, July 14, 2015, 20:21 (3520 days ago) @ CyberKN

Don't feel too bad. NOBODY gets to the lighthouse "with ease".

I'll second this. Of my 4 Lighthouse runs, the first 3 only came after multiple hours of failed attempts. I've also been a part of several agonizing failed runs, including an 8-0 w/ Mercy intact followed by two close losses. During the run I made with Zero and Speedracer last week, we all agreed it was the most difficult run we had made, with virtually every match at least 5-3 or closer. The closest thing to an easy run was this past weekend, where Zero and Speedracer and I made it on the first try, but we got super lucky and spawned on the high side of the map in nearly every match. The only loss we had was actually a rematch against a team we had just beat easily, except we were on the low side that time, and lost 5-3.

At the end of the day, in order to make it to the Lighthouse, you are going to have to pull off something crazy in at least one or two matches (and you will have to rely on your teammates to do the same). That's the hardest thing to deal with, is when it feels like you have things in hands and then all of the sudden the other team turns the tables on you, and you have to figure out some way to respond on the fly. Normal Crucible does no prepare you for this, although playing Rumble can help you deal with the speed at which you need to make successful decisions in crazy or unusual situations.

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