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Stepping Up Their Game(making)

gdc2014.pngThe number of Bungie-given talks at this year's GDC continues to rise - it was announced today that Executive Producer Mark Noseworthy will be talking about Upgrading Bungie's Production Practices for a Brave New World as part of the Production talks track. He'll look at how Bungie dealt with rapid expansion and the tools that came out of it. Sounds pretty interesting! This showed up on both Gamasutra and Polygon today.

TAGS: GDC, 2014
Claude Errera | Feb 12, 2014 07:59 pm | link

Customizable Characters take shape at GDC

Technical 3D art lead Scott Shepherd will take the stage at GDC 2014 this coming March to discuss Building Customizable Characters for Bungie's Destiny - this is an important-enough talk to make the GDC News blog. If you're in San Francisco in mid-March, and you have a connection to the game industry... you should make time for this. Thanks, Xenos.

TAGS: GDC, 2014
Claude Errera | Dec 31, 2013 11:34 am | link

Destiny Launch Date Set

Bungie has officially nailed down the worldwide launch date for Destiny - and it's a bit later than we originally thought. Rather than Spring 2014, we'll be seeing (and playing) the game in September - and the Beta will take place in Summer, rather than in the next couple of months. Oh, the anticipation! (Thanks, Avateur.)

Claude Errera | Dec 6, 2013 04:23 pm | link

DBO at E3 2013

This isn't a Dragonball Online E3 interview, this is one man's coming-of-age story...well, not really. E3 2013 was an incredible experience and we wanted to share some of those experiences with you. Behold! 

colindosaj | Jul 12, 2013 11:11 am | link

Fit For A King

Jospeh Biwald finished up his Bungie community shirt design for PAX Prime 2013 - it's safe to say that the Bungie community will be the best dressed at this years PAX. Follow the Bnet PAX group for more details. Thanks to Bungie Informer for the heads up.

TAGS: pax, 2013, shirt
colindosaj | May 6, 2013 06:33 pm | link

Guardian Radio Episode 10

g_o_d.jpgIt may be a slow couple of weeks for Destiny news, but that can't stop the guys over at The Guardians of Destiny! They've released Episode 10 of the Guardian Radio podcast, clocking in at almost an hour and a half of Destiny discussion for your listening pleasure. Thanks to roland for a heads-up in the forum.

Beorn | Apr 30, 2013 11:26 am | link

The 16-bit Treatment

Firestream released his entry for the recently announced Destiny art challenge - it's Destiny re-imagined as an SNES game!16bit.png

colindosaj | Apr 7, 2013 02:15 am | link

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