Search results for tag 'awards'
Showing results 1 - 9 of 9 matches
Video Game Awards - 2017

Destiny 2 garnered 6 nominations for last night's
Game Awards:
- Best Art Direction
- Best Score/Music
- Best Audio Design
- Best Ongoing Game
- Best Action Game
- Best Multiplayer
Unfortunately, they didn't win any of those categories - but congrats to the team for the showing!
Claude Errera | Dec 8, 2017 05:04 pm |

Game Critics have listed
their winners for E3 2017... and Destiny 2 comes away with the Best PC Game. Nice work! Thanks, Genevieve, for
the heads-up!
Claude Errera | Jun 28, 2017 09:54 am |
Rise of Iron wins 2017 ASCAP Screen Music Award

Congratulations to Michael Salvatori, Skye Lewin, and C. Paul Johnson, for their work on the Destiny: Rise of Iron score - it took home the 2017 Video Game Score of the Year last night at the 2017 ASCAP Screen Music Awards! (They shared this honor with Killer Instinct: Season 3, in a tie for 1st Place.)
Claude Errera | May 17, 2017 08:25 am |
Destiny UI wins 2015 Cased Award

AIGA, the professional association for design, hosted the 2015 Cased competition, and honored 15 design solutions that demonstrate the value of design.
Destiny's User Interface was one of these solutions - congrats, Bungie! The writeup digs into how Bungie saw their challenges, and what they did to meet them; good reading! (There are also a bunch of links to articles that have been written along the way, in case you missed any of them.) Be sure to check out
the rest of the winners, if you have interest in design - there are some spectacular entries in there!
Claude Errera | Dec 13, 2015 10:48 am |
Game Informer: Best Shooter, Best Co-Op Multiplayer
Looks like Destiny takes the cake for two categories in Game Informer awards list published today! Destiny takes Best Shooter and Best Cooperative Multiplayer for 2014.
Beorn | Jan 8, 2015 10:30 pm |
Destiny: PlayStation.Blog Game of the Year
Destiny has won the community-voted PlayStation.Blog 2014 Game of the Year award! (Thanks to Kermit in the forums for the heads-up).
Beorn | Jan 8, 2015 12:43 pm |
Destiny Beats RNG at Game Awards
The Game Awards were held last night (with a familiar composer in charge of the music) and Destiny managed to win two awards, Best Online Experience and Best Soundtrack! You can watch a replay of the event, or just see who the rest of the winners were.
Xenos | Dec 6, 2014 09:05 am |
Bungie takes 3 Awards at Gamescom

Destiny was
the big winner at Gamescom - it took three awards, beating out Titanfall (which took 2) for most mentions. Congrats to the Bungie team for
Best Console Game: Playstation,
Best Action Game, and
Best Online Multiplayer Game. And thanks to Hypertrooper, for
bringing us the news!
Claude Errera | Aug 26, 2013 07:21 pm |
Gametrailers - Best of E3 2013

Gametrailers is running a 'Best of E3 2013' awards ceremony - Destiny was nominated in the following categories:
Unfortunately Destiny didn't win best new IP or best graphics, but the nominations are still pretty neat. Gametrailers will announce 'Best of Show' today at 4pm PST.
colindosaj | Jun 21, 2013 11:09 am |