Search results for tag 'sword'
Showing results 1 - 2 of 2 matches
Fanart Roundup - Brought to You By Hedge
One of B.Org's Senior Field Correspondents, Hedgem0ny, Tweets a lot of great Destiny fanart made by a number of individuals from across the globe.. Here's a blatantly-shameful stalking of some of his recent aggregations:

by Ayatori0

Sword of Crota replica by ProfessorCaTPardus and for sale on Etsy.

Warlock 3D model by martynball - more shots on his DeviantArt.

Last, but not least, DestiPonies by Arteses-Canvas!
Leviathan | Dec 8, 2014 04:24 pm |
The Joyeuse thread returns

A couple of years ago, CortanaV
dug into the sword mythos that weaves its way through lots of Bungie IP. It's a great read. She's boiled it down for new readers in
a post on our own forum, and it may just provide you with some insight into things that might be coming in Destiny. Check it out!
Claude Errera | Apr 2, 2013 12:22 pm |