
+1 (Destiny)

by Kahzgul, Wednesday, November 29, 2017, 02:21 (2348 days ago) @ Harmanimus

Well put and well articulated. The PvP is the major drag of D2, just as it was the major draw keeping me playing D1. The absence of advanced player control in particular is damning (titan skating, blink for hunters, warlock skating).

Overall, however, I think the fact that in D1 it was possible (however unlikely) to 1v3, whereas in D2 it's simply not, makes a big difference. I don't feel powerful like some kind of space magic god. Rather I feel like just a guy who is really only effective with my other guys around. That would be okay if the rest of the game played like a squad-based combat game, but it doesn't. You can't take cover (not really) and you don't control your spawns. It's incredibly easy to own the middle of some maps and force the enemy spawns to split, which is a huge detriment to the split teams. Somehow the sandbox of D2 got completely borked, probably by trying to be too many things to too many people, and the result is that it's boring.

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