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Reminder: Never Doubt Bungie


IGN's Ryan McCaffrey has posted a quick writeup of Bungie's E3 demo; he had a lot of nice things to say about the game. The article also has a short impressions video, as well as an off-screen recording from one of the Destiny booth playthroughs. Go watch!

TAGS: video
ncsuDuncan | Jun 13, 2013 10:58 pm | link

Bungie Only Does Everything

Custom PS3

Looks like the PlayStation team wanted to thank Bungie for appearing at the Sony press conference by giving them an awesome custom PS3. Very cool!

TAGS: custom, ps3
ncsuDuncan | Jun 13, 2013 09:57 pm | link

It's All About the Ronut, Baby

Bungie has posted a Day 2 E3 ReCap Video; this episode features an animation about the Traveler arriving in the Solar System, accompanied by some beautiful Marty music. (Thanks, MrDaax).

Beorn | Jun 13, 2013 08:18 pm | link

Polygon Goes In-Depth with Destiny

polygon.pngPolygon has an in-depth article from E3 covering Destiny and what its success means to Bungie. It's a well-written article that covers a lot of content and takes a slightly different tack than most of the E3 coverage we've seen. It even sounds like they may have had some hands-on time with the demo! If you only read one article about Destiny from E3 this week, this article should be on the short list. (Thanks, Xenos).

Beorn | Jun 13, 2013 05:57 pm | link

DBO On the Bungie E3 Day 1 Recap!

Our Grizzled Ancient and his fearless Vanguard were prominently featured in Bungie's "E3 Day 1: ReCap" video! Thanks for noticing, Spawn!

TAGS: e3, dbo
Beorn | Jun 13, 2013 05:51 pm | link

E3 Coverage

Mid7night was been recording his week at E3 and has posted some videos and images for all of us to be jealous of check out!

Additionally, if you haven't been following the Vanguard Report, be sure to hop over there to see some E3 photos from the DBO crew.

Be sure to check out both!

Beorn | Jun 13, 2013 05:47 pm | link

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