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How many BungieDays are in a BungieWeek?


Everyone's favorite summer holiday is swiftly approaching: that cherished time of year when you can grab a nice, frosty beverage from cold storage, grill up a spectacular steak or two, and laugh maniacally as a giant slingshot hurls your enemies into the sun. Yes, I'm talking about Bungie Day - July 7th. IGN's Ryan McCaffrey certainly seems excited, and the official Bungie twitter account has been alluding to an entire week of celebration! If you're not Twitter-savvy (I'm looking at you, Claude), check out this thread on our forum for a quick compilation of details and rumors.

ncsuDuncan | Jul 1, 2013 09:55 pm | link


Our own Leviathan created an image that may not have started as a Destiny piece... but last night it evolved into one. (A separate version fits perfectly into his completely unrelated but making-me-drool Mayflower project - go check out the potential cover art in his DBO forum post.)

TAGS: Levi, art
Claude Errera | Jul 1, 2013 07:30 pm | link

Wreck Town

Reddit's NickBrick put together his own custom revolver - so what if the game's not out yet? There's always LEGO! Swing by the DestinyTheGame Subreddit if you want to let him know what you think of his creation, or explore his Flickr stream for more shots of this awesome hand cannon.

TAGS: lego, revolver
Claude Errera | Jul 1, 2013 07:23 pm | link

The Escapist: E3 Interview with Harold Ryan

The Escapist had a chance to interview Bungie's Harold Ryan at E3. A lot of the answers are things we've heard numerous times already, but there are definitely quite a few little details I haven't heard anywhere else yet. Check it out!

The Escapist : Escapist News Now : Destiny E3 2013

Jim Stitzel | Jul 1, 2013 12:24 pm | link

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