
Are you sure?? (Destiny)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Thursday, March 31, 2016, 19:49 (3253 days ago) @ Speedracer513

Some people would rather put money instead of time into a game. I can understand that.

I can't understand this. The whole point of a leisure activity is to spend your time doing it. So putting time into a game is really the ONLY thing that makes sense.

You love the raids. You hated the grind to get "raid-ready." In September of last year, if you could have paid $50 and been given a boost to be raid-ready from day one (instead of spending $40 and then the majority of that week grinding to get as close to 290 light as possible so you could run the raid blind right away -- which by your, and your groups', admission had you kind of burned out by the time the raid opened up), you wouldn't ponder that for at least a moment?

Even if you can tell me with a straight face that your 'integrity' would prevent you from spending a little extra money to "skip" part of the game you don't enjoy as much -- can you honestly say you don't understand how people would be willing to put a little extra money into a game in lieu of some of their time?!?

The part where these kinds of questions get tricky for me is when it comes to doing things a 2nd, 3rd, or 4th time through. I loved the experience of jumping into TTK with my hunter, playing through the story, completing all the side quests, and doing all the end game activities. I would never have wanted to skip any of it (except maybe the Hadium flake farming or the material farming for the exotic sword, but I digress ;p)

Where the temptation sneaks in for me is with my other characters. Playing TTK once was fantastic, doing it 3 times felt a fair bit more like a chore. Yes, it was completely my choice to get 3 characters all the way through, but that's "the rub". I like to have 3 different characters to play my favorite activities with... and the only way to do that is to drag 3 characters all the way through the entire game.

And that's just on PS4... I'm embarrassed to say that I've actually wished I could just throw down $30 or $40 and instantly buy a fully-leveled Xbox character. I keep poking away with my Xbox Hunter, but it takes so damn long to level all the way up from scratch. I managed to go from the very start of the game all the way to killing Oryx (in the story mission, not the raid) without even completing a single subclass on my character.

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