
No Bonus (Destiny)

by Kuga, Saturday, December 09, 2017, 06:37 (2620 days ago) @ cheapLEY

I liked the story, I felt they could have improved on the manner in which it was told and depth (imagine that). The concept of time travel in a game and their approach made me desire a randomized Space Arena where anything could happen, maybe an advanced Prison of Elders or dynamic strikes or Crucible racing that is randomized board creation? Time will tell. I ordered the game with both expansions to force myself to give it a year to improve as I expected growing pain again.

I still question how, in the spirit of space magic, that I have to physically see someone for a 30 second conversation then go back to where I was potentially taking minutes if I am booted from the service randomly. When seeing cut-scenes in the campaign I didn't see Cayde have to find Zavala and Ikora to talk to them on what to do next or say "this is done". Our ghost talks for us so that can't be the reasoning. Communicators aren't an issue as they are used randomly throughout the game.

I still question that if this is a game of "friendship" why can I not give items to my fire team or is that considered buying friends? D3 had an "issue", sure, I played during the auction house days and loved it. I also like how if someone is with you when you get x item you can also give it to them. Because when I got 3 Gyllenhaals in a day (I named them Jake, Maggie and The Dude, ask Funk as he also adopted my naming), I could have given a few out to people who didnt have one yet in my fire team. Just some thoughts, but it's ok, I do enjoy playing the game.

My main gripe is that I just don't like having to manage some space age vault of data replication that has a database limit of 30GB where I'm at 29.9GB all the time. New expansion, same vault space? Meh.

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