
Ridley:Fantasy as Shumacher:Batman (Destiny)

by Harmanimus @, Wednesday, December 13, 2017, 21:52 (2615 days ago) @ Robot Chickens

But Schumacher also did Batman Forever, which in many regards is probably the best live action Batman film. I'll accept and even argue that various arguments that different live action Batman films have done certain things better. But as a total package in regard to the character of Batman, Bruce Wayne, and the comics? Anyway, I digress.

But, you're right, the lines fit for the character who is part of this bat-s*** crazy world. I just don't find that world well-written or compelling.

It is a fair consideration to make. In my personal tastes I consider understandably natural writing to be more compelling. Dream-logic world or not. Honestly, 80's fantasy is super polarizing, but I would have to say it is too far to suggest they didn't know what they were doing with it.

However, I would say that it was far from homogenized, as a lot of more modern fantasy has become, especially as you look at what has followed PJ's LotR trilogy. Not necessarily to the benefit of those which followed. I think that 80's Fantasy tended to hold much more striking identities for different stories.

Legend is a Fairytale Epic (in regard to the literary poetic) and as such is full of fairy weirdness. In contrast, Labyrinth which came out a year later follows a lot of similar implications of fae, but with a different setting. A lot of folks I knew grew up hating the former and loving the latter. Some of that likely has to do with the interconnect with a modern world in Labyrinth. I did grow up with Legend. Perhaps a lot of it is that. I also grew up with old faerie tales and stories about things in the forests.

Weirder 80's Fantasy that was deeply seated within my upbringing was The Dark Crystal. Often also compared to Labyrinth and often also hated by most of my friends who grew up with that movie. TDC is a truly alien world, though. But then you have more traditional Western Fantasy with things such as Ladyhawke or Willow. The Light Fantasy of The Princess Bride or the Low Fantasy of Conan: The Barbarian or the almost science-fantasy of Krull. Feel free to make fun of Krull, though.

I think comparing anything that is not explicitly a marketing gimmick to sell toys to Batman & Robin is unjustified. From what I'm aware of I'm not sure anyone had their heart in it. I would rather you compare Legend to something from the Troma Entertainment because at least you'd be making a comparison to something someone cared about making.

Okay, perhaps that's unfair. Ridley clearly likes the genre and wanted to tell some sort of morality tale in it. But, I'm not sure there's anything worth exploring in there.

And that is the sort of reasoning I'd say that maybe the sort of Fairytale focus Legend has is particular cup. But poor me a pint of the interpersonal dramas, traditions, and conflicts of other worldly creatures any day.


Magic armor requires no pants. Link didn't used to have pants.

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