
Have you completed Dishonored 1 and 2 yet? (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Tuesday, December 12, 2017, 08:34 (2648 days ago) @ kidtsunami

I remember the first time I played Deus Ex. You could do a huge number of things, and in talking to people they'd reveal things about themselves, other characters, and the world. The whole thing was way bigger an deeper than you'd think. You might talk to a bartender, and he'd ask you to steal drugs from the place down the street in exchange for cash. If you sneak in and look, you find the drugs hidden away, and there's a mini story about who has them and why. There are no waypoints or indicators anywhere - the world is simply there, and it's on you to explore.

Seriously, every time you post about Deus Ex...

I started the first on PS4, but the control and graphics were bad. I’m not doing it until I can play them on PC. Why a next gen remaster is not at 60fps is beyond me.

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