
I understand, yet don't at the same time. (Destiny)

by MacAddictXIV @, Seattle WA, Monday, December 11, 2017, 09:02 (2618 days ago) @ Cody Miller

I don’t think the entire game as a whole has ever completely come together. You yourself are appreciating but one piece: the art.

Yes, I am highlighting the artistic side, which I personally think blows most games out of the water. But there are also many, many other aspects that gamers just take for granted.

And yes, the character movement, art, gunplay, raids, and PvP are all fun. There are just as many parts that need work though. Looking at the game holistically as you say would reveal this.

Just as many? Are we talking quantity or quality? And are you saying that the parts that need work are degrading the parts that shine to the point of sub par?

I personally think that the parts that work far outshine the parts that need more work. But this is also a personally how I play the game and enjoy it. I mean, I take the raid lair we played last night as an example: It was amazing, it was great gameplay, great art, great fun both solo and as a team. The only minor things that annoyed me was the fact that when you wipe you don't get full ammo and maybe a raid mechanic that wasn't properly described through UI/visuals. That's about it. What that raid does well, in my opinion, WAY outshines the minor annoyances.

I just feel like people are so use to what Bungie does well, that they ignore that completely and focus on the annoyances even when comparing it to other games. So many other games feel completely clunky with their controls or have decent art and atmosphere but not anything close to Destiny.

Destiny has always been less than the sum of its parts.

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