No Bonus (minor CoO spoilers) (Destiny)

by marmot 1333 @, Wednesday, December 13, 2017, 10:23 (2616 days ago) @ cheapLEY

Two things:

1. The recommended light level for them is appropriate for doing them as you go through the campaign.

2. They become essentially useless if you do them afterwards, in terms of progression. Even if if they still give you light level appropriate gear, they drop blues when the player has moved on to collecting purples. So even if you use them for infusion, it’s still doesn’t feel rewarding if your post-campaign. It makes it feel to me like Bungie expected folks to have done many of them by that point.

OK, I understand where you're coming from, then.

I was thinking about Adventures as worth playing through for the additional story and lore, which is a different kind of reward.

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