Displeased with the grind. (Destiny)

by JaXon Bourne, Tuesday, July 16, 2019, 09:07 (2056 days ago) @ Malagate

It is cheesy but in addition to doing the triumphs, you can farm planetary materials by going AFK in one of the forges. Wear gear that drops your light level down to 300-400. That way, you are only matched up with other AFK-ers. Set it up overnight, and you get about 700-800 materials and (I think) about 15k-20k glimmer.

Keep the materials for the tributes or convert them to legendary shards by going to Devrim or Failsafe. Then go use the legendary shards to buy the other planetary materials from the Spider and deposit them for at least 18 tributes to get the mission started.

Repeat each night and you should have the tributes knocked out a steady pace. I started Saturday night, and I expect to be done with the purchasable tributes by this weekend. That is 35ish of the 45 needed for the Bad Juju catalyst.

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