
Well, yes... (Destiny)

by MacAddictXIV @, Seattle WA, Wednesday, July 17, 2019, 09:32 (1974 days ago) @ Cody Miller

I would say that I absolutely like playing the game. I love playing it--a bit too much. The trouble is I love doing other stuff, too. This will sound like Cody, but I'm no longer willing to give Destiny such a significant portion of my free time. And I offer no judgment of those who play more than me. You'll always be ahead of me and you'll always have plenty of stuff I don't have. It's all good.

It’s tough because Bungie have said before and reiterated that Destiny should be a hobby. I think ultimately I like gaming as a hobby. But not one exclusive game. It just seems like a lot to ask when there are so many other great games and experiences out there too.

I agree, but every company wants their game to be your hobby. And as a company, you kinda have to assume it is their first hobby. To not do that would see the game short for those who do find it their hobby, but also make it diverse enough that it doesn't have to be a hobby for others. Honestly, I think that's a tough spot to be in.

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