
I absolutely refuse to use exploits. (Destiny)

by cheapLEY @, Tuesday, July 16, 2019, 17:52 (1975 days ago) @ Malagate

Standing offer on anything you want to run, BtW.

I appreciate the offer, and I'll take you up on it at some point. I'm at the Guardian kills step for Malfeasance, so I need a squad to run Gambit. I'm pretty close to halfway done with that step, I think.

I've been getting better about asking people to run stuff with me. I hate to feel like a burden. I know I'm not--folks here mostly like to help with whatever random shit as much as I do. I got Cruel and Korny to run Zero Hour with me last week to get Outbreak Perfected (after spending an hour getting Korny's second character ready for the mission--that set up is longer than I remember!).

I don't mind "working" for cool rewards--I've found that Destiny is a far better game if you take it in stride and just use those things as long term goals rather than something to grind for as fast as possible.

I just don't particularly like the associated Triumphs for getting Bad Juju. I feel like I'm being shoehorned into some stuff that I wouldn't necessarily want to do otherwise, and I especially hate the "with Leviathan themed" caveat to them. Let me use what I want to use Bungie, not what you think I should.

Weirdly enough, the normal exotic quests feel fine by comparison. I don't actually know what the difference is, as the Bad Juju stuff is ostensibly far more player-friendly with more options than something like Malfeasance, which has no other options besides just playing Gambit. Those Triumphs just feel worse somehow. Maybe it's just how daunting it all seems. I dunno.

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