
Sony is making a big move with the new dualshock.

by uberfoop @, Seattle-ish, Wednesday, April 24, 2013, 14:32 (4241 days ago) @ bluerunner

Ever since its inception, the dualshock has been a SNES controller with weird little handles, analog sticks, and triggers basically duct-taped onto it. It's a very non-cohesive design that forces the player to claw the controller all funny. The convex analogue sticks are also not necessarily very attractive to Xbox gamers.

The new dualshock attempts to address all of those concerns. The controllers are topologically similar, but the DS4 has had its shape totally redesigned (or maybe just "designed" in the first place, as the earlier dualshock was an ancient design with things sloppily appended to it). The handles are designed to allow your hands to rest while your thumbs feel out the analogue sticks in a grip not terribly dissimilar to holding the right side of an Xbox gamepad. And the sticks themselves are concave.

I do like asymmetrical sticks, but I suspect the bigger issue has always been the awkward grip shape. That's being addressed, and the controller barrier scares me less than it has in the past.

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