Sony is making a big move with the new dualshock.

by kapowaz, Friday, April 26, 2013, 02:46 (4238 days ago) @ uberfoop

Ever since its inception, the dualshock has been a SNES controller with weird little handles, analog sticks, and triggers basically duct-taped onto it. It's a very non-cohesive design that forces the player to claw the controller all funny.

It was based on a controller built for Japanese-sized hands. Remember how Microsoft had to release a special version of the original Xbox controller for the Japanese market because the Duke controller was just too big for them? The same applies in reverse. Sony are addressing it, though, which is cool.

That said, I still think the most comfortable game controller I've ever used is the Gamecube's, which obviously was meant for Japanese hands as well as western gamers.

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