Knew it, Destiny is using technics to ADDICT us (Destiny)

by ChrisTheeCrappy, Thursday, April 02, 2015, 18:21 (3329 days ago)

I know some said I was crazy and that they wouldn't engineer a game that way. But they did and they admitted in the GDC presentations. I didn't have time to read them all yet (I also always go for the more technical ones anyways, in terms of code as I am a programmer myself), but IGN posted how they admitted to designing the game to make you addicted and not wanted to put it down. This is the type of stuff that scares me, cause I don't like that someone else can control my actions in such a grand scheme. I would imagine, and hope, that this type of thing would seriously be illegal, it's like when Coka cola actually put COKE in their drink, so you would be addicted and buy more.

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