You clearly don't get my point (Destiny)

by ChrisTheeCrappy, Thursday, April 02, 2015, 19:20 (3354 days ago) @ Revenant1988

I actually stated this FROM day one, on these forums. What I am saying is they are using our own physiology to get us to be addicted to something so they could sell us more of that, and that is a BAD thing.

Of course they want you to keep playing their game.

That's the way they can continue to make money.

Making more money allows them to make more game(s).

There isn't anything insidious about it. It's not like they're sitting in a dark room, twirling their mustaches trying to get you hooked with malicious intent.

This IS Insidious. How is it not? I can't even understand that reasoning. We are going to make your mind do funny things so we can take your money. if a Salesman did this it would be illegal.

I feel like, you've kinda had a moment where you realized "GUYS, We're rats! In a maze! What are they doing!?" and you feel like you're being taken advantage of.

Your not. That is, if you can convince yourself to put the controller down when there isn't anything for you to do, or you aren't having fun.

Again I stated this since the day Destiny came out. it's just now proof. And it 100% is being taken advantage of. Think of all the people who don't realize that. I knew it was happening and still seriously put my job in jeopardy by playing this game as much as I work. That's crazy. Halo didn't do that to me, yet I bet I played it just as much.

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