You clearly don't get my point (Destiny)

by ChrisTheeCrappy, Thursday, April 02, 2015, 19:43 (3330 days ago) @ unoudid

Devils Advocate here:
You could also look at them making this game addictive and selling us more as a good thing. Since you are playing it so much and other games less then you are saving money buy not purchasing/playing other games.

I certainly see the point, but that could also be considered making a monopoly with unfair practices. If everyone else then used that practice it would be a bad situation.

I certainly don't expect everyone to agree with my point of view on this, although I wish I did cause I think this is a part of a bigger issue in the US at least, but I want people to start thinking about it. Ethically, spiritually, monetarily, do we really want companies to control us this way?

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