
Knew it, Destiny is using technics to ADDICT us (Destiny)

by musicalwahine808, Hawaii, Friday, April 03, 2015, 09:40 (3329 days ago) @ ChrisTheeCrappy

They obviously failed with their taking over the world + addiction goal with a segment of the gamer population... Maybe our brains are wired differently.

"Using his expertise in Behavioral Psychology, Hopson played a role in helping the team create something that would provide players with satisfying rewards after taking so many risks." I don't see it as risk, but rather frustration to see bullet sponges bosses and overwhelming amounts of enemy to make it "harder". I see risk as trying to run through sniper alley while tacking out all the Jackals in one sweep. No hiding behind a rock, the enemy will come and get you. In Destiny, if you have the time, that technique might work eventually.

I ran Destiny through Gizoozle.net for laughs & giggles and it translated exactly into how I feel about the game.[image]

I play to escape and relax into a world I enjoy and have zero interest in collecting all the bum flaps and weapons in the game. I thought the progression was rewarding until 20+ but lost interest after that.
Is there a right way to play Destiny? Maybe? When I occasionally play it is for the beauty of the environment, the music and rewarding headshots but end up spending more time just observing all the wonderful details the artists of Bungie placed in this game listening to Marty's tunes. (artist here)

I grind at work everyday so I want to play a game that takes me away from worries, stress and daily routine. The carrot in Destiny is not attractive to me at all. The missions I've played all seem very similar (Hint, heard myself wondering many times "Did I play this one already?") I will play Halo or ME missions in a heart beat, because there is a connection between my head shots, a story, characters to relate to. Clearly Destiny does not deliver to lone wolves. It's friends or die of boredom. You can't even play the end game if you do not have a solid group to do it.

So about the addiction, I'd recommend to stop playing if it feels like a chore or a burden. Just like great advertising can convince people to buy a new iPhone every six months, you can decide if it's pointless or not. Guess I lack an addictive or hoarding personality and lucked out! XD

TLTR: Addictive for some, not for me, game lacks storytelling skills, carrot not appetizing enough to keep grinding

Spoiler: Destiny needs to hire more writers and less psychologists...
I'm happy for Bungie and what seems to be a majority of the players enjoying the game but in my opinion the potential to make this game epic was missed, although all the elements were there, including the talents, to make it happen.

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