
Hey! I know this thing! (Destiny)

by INSANEdrive, ಥ_ಥ | f(ಠ‿↼)z | ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ| ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, Wednesday, May 31, 2017, 12:31 (2823 days ago) @ Funkmon

At the very end, they say 60 FPS is quadruple the work of 30 FPS. Can someone explain why?

Have you ever seen a a whole bunch of cheese wheels? Or! How about a million explosive barrels go off all at once? Well- thanks to Skyrim and Crysis, I have!

So why these examples? Well, these are good cases where the user is visibly stressing an engine vs the hardware they have to do all the computations. Physics and the nature of particle effects make them quite expensive to run. In these sorts of videos (though I have to admit I didn't check if it's IN the videos I linked... I hope so O_O,) you will often see the computer frame rate....SlOW......DOWN- as the computer thinks. That is the frame rate crashing down to...Oh 5 or 2 or whatever. In that moment, using the CPU/GPU power to send frames to your screen aren't the most important; It's all about doing those computations. That's not to say it's even limited to that. The resolution of the screen, the resolution of the textures on the different meshes, Alpha (transparency) blending, the number of realtime lights in a given frame, the number of things you can see on the screen at one time... ALL sorts of things govern the final frame rate.

That's why, for example, when ever you have a city in a video game, often times there is stuff everywhere blocking the horizon. That stuff ain't there because it looks super cool (well... not the only reason at least). It's to stop you from looking down the 23 mile corridor of the city - or whatever. Really long sight lines with stuff in them are expensive.

Hope that helps!

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