
Give me examples and why they're bad (Off-Topic)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Monday, December 18, 2017, 13:55 (2475 days ago) @ Funkmon

I would have hoped this would be obvious. Everybody seems most concerned with three things:

1. Not knowing who Snoke is
2. Rey's parents just being nobodies.
3. Rose and Finn's Casino adventure

The first two are a direct result of the mystery box.

The Force Awakens made such a big deal out of the mystery of Rey's parentage, but that mystery itself serves no dramatic function and actually obscures character motivations. Why did Rey drop the lightsaber and 'refuse the call'? I see no character based reason. Would the film have not been better dramatically if we KNEW her parents were nobodies who left her? That the film makers could then base her refusal and reluctance on her inability to trust based on that betrayal? It's just like… I can't I have to stay here. They might come back. That's weak a shit.

But then it spills over into Last Jedi. Making her parents nobodies was 100% the best decision when you really get down to it. But the reaction from most is just a letdown because of the buildup in the first film. JJ Abrams made an insane promise, and you're going to fault Rian Johnson for seeing that is was insane? Why do you think Luke just tossed away the lightsaber? Because the final sequence of the Force Awakens couldn't possibly have delivered on anything other than the intrigue of the moment.

Same thing with Snoke. The air of mystery around Snoke was just as untenable. Everything about the way he was presented in the Force Awakens was filled with the same bullshit mystery box allure. Again how do you live up to that? Especially when he is not really that important to the story? Contrast this with how the Emperor was introduced in A New Hope. By the time we got to Return of the Jedi, I don't think anyone was torn up inside that we don't know exactly who he is.

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