
Hardest activities should give best rewards. (Destiny)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Sunday, December 24, 2017, 11:30 (2469 days ago) @ Kahzgul

This is just my dumb logic, so it probably doesn’t even make sense.

You give weapons that make the raid easier to people who’ve beaten the raid in order to make them feel more powerful. Since we don’t actually get stronger (lol light levels), the only way to make it seem that way is with better weapons. Using a Black Hammer to melt Sexy Prime during a heroic strike made it feel like my guardian was strong enough to watch Zero kill Crota.

While I agree that it sucks for people who can’t run the raid for various reasons, they’ve already changed that slightly in this game by introducing clan engrams. Once a week you get a chance at a cool raid weapon just because Chappy had already killed the guy 6x before you logged in on Thursday.

I’m just wanting a reason for me specifically to run endgame content and I only care about weapons. I’m sure shaders/armor matter a lot to lots of other people but I’m extremely selfish.

In a strictly pve game, that would be fine, but since you take your gear into pvp in this game as well, the result of locking the best weapons behind the hardest content effectively locks top tier pvp behind the prestige raid. That sucks balls.

Historically speaking, have any of the best PvP Weapons been Raid guns? I don’t think that’s ever been an issue.

In fact, a big part of what made Raid primary weapons great in D1 were the elemental burns, and that had no effect on PvP at all.

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