
Chris Barrett on state of loot, Eververse, vault space: (Destiny)

by Kahzgul, Tuesday, December 26, 2017, 14:46 (2373 days ago) @ Ragashingo

Or, the Prestige Raid is pretty dang hard. The DBO’s World’s First team has struck out either twice or three times now trying to beat it. So, at least in my own little happy circle, its not that we haven’t tried or that the endgame is lame. It’s just a question of difficulty and time.

My own raid team hasn't finished prestige mode either (or even the raid lair), largely due to attrition... Our typical raid team no longer logs on, and we have a friend we bring who is a great guy but not what one might describe as a competent raider (he games to get high and have zero responsibility, not exactly ideal for most raid roles).

But no one stopped playing Destiny because of the raid. We all loved the raid. We love the raid lair. We stopped playing Destiny because the rest of the endgame is garbage. PvP is simply not fun right now. The guns are all very same-ey. You can't really make interesting choices with regards to player spec, loadout, etc.. The strike playlist sucks and keeps throwing us into the same strike 3 times in a row (which immediately causes us to just give up and play fortnite). The solo endgame is almost non-existent. CoO is better in that regard, but two of my friends have now gotten all of the forge weapons, and they're back to not enjoying the endgame at all. When you log on and only one or two buddies are on, you have no incentive to hang out and hope three more guys show so you can raid. Instead, it's like "well, I guess we'll play something else" and then you're into that game.

D1 we would just pvp until we had 6 players. It was great. As someone showed up, they could just join our pvp group. No one was stuck solo queueing or excluded. D2 ruined that. It's a fundamental flaw that Bungie has not publicly acknowledged. Even with D2's boring as hell pvp, it would be tolerable if I could play with my friends while building a raid team. :'(

Not to be snarky or anything, but how much of all of this has to do with your general attitude about the game? You and your friends'? Meaning, you guys already sound like you're done with Destiny for the most part. More than just done, even. Just done is "played it, moved on to something else." in the way that I'm done with Hellblade. It sounds like you guys have moved to "actively hostile yet still playing a bit" at this point.

lol. Some of my friends are clearly in that boat. I think I'm in a place where I really WANT to like Destiny 2, but I feel that it's actively fighting the things that made D1 my daily hobby. D2 seems to be the actively hostile element, from my perspective.

Do you think that might affect the numbers of people you play with, or even the numbers of people that will go out of their way to play with you. Certainly you and your friends' willingness to jump to a different game more quickly will play into that, I'd think.

Not sure what you mean. My friends and I like playing together, and on any given night there are between 1 and 8 of us online in chat. When there are 6 or more, we're almost always in Destiny or waiting to join the raid should someone leave. When there's less than that, we tend to play other games or just log off, which has had a depressing effect on the numbers of people online day to day. I'd say that during D1, we averaged 6 people online concurrently every single night. During D2, we're averaging closer to 3.

Keep in mind, I'm not saying there is anything wrong with being hostile towards a game and its gameplay. A while back I asked some friends a question about The Witness. I said: "Knowing I hate puzzle games, should I buy The Witness." And they, correctly, said no.

This is the thing: Knowing I loved D1, should I buy D2, should be a resounding yes.

Well, knowing that you find Crucible simply not fun and the rest of the endgame to be garbage, maybe you should forget about trying to beat the hardest version of the hardest activity and play the games you actually enjoy instead? There are only so many hours to play, after all!

I like the raid. I enjoy the raid. The problem for me is the rest of the game, and the way in which the game seems to work against you when you're trying to get enough people online in order to do the raid.

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