
Chris Barrett on state of loot, Eververse, vault space: (Destiny)

by Kahzgul, Tuesday, December 26, 2017, 11:31 (2365 days ago) @ cheapLEY

Usually it's so they can smash other people in pvp, a

That's making a pretty huge assumption.

As has been pointed out, raid loot has mostly not been PvP dominating. That shouldn't be that hard to design around.

Going into a raid fully kitted with raid gear that has cool perks that work for raid mechanics is fun. It totally changes the experience, and also works as a difficult selector. Folks that can't beat the raid can earn gear that helps make the raid easier, so long as they can complete a few encounters to get drops.

Raid perks are just fun.

I agree! Raid perks were great! And the only raid where they made any lick of difference was VoG (maaaybe CE but they were sooo situational and the boost was too minor). The KF "raid perk" cocoon was actually hugely powerful in PvP and didn't do anything specifically advantageous in the raid outside of normal operation.

In fact, I think bringing back raid perks would be an awesome way to make raid weapons more powerful for raiding without breaking them for pvp. "Deals more damage to Cabal forces" or "Chains to nearby Cabal" would be cool. "Move more quickly when affected by whatever that debuff is in the pools" or "regenerate health after meleeing psions" etc... Anything restrictive enough that it wouldn't apply in pvp is fine by me.

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