
Alternative perspective (Off-Topic)

by Blackt1g3r @, Login is from an untrusted domain in MN, Wednesday, February 07, 2018, 14:28 (2263 days ago) @ cheapLEY

I don’t hate SpaceX. Contrary to what it may seem from this thread, I don’t hate Elon Musk. I just find it impossible to separate the awesome accomplishment of this launch with the gross feeling I get in my gut when I see that fucking picture of the Tesla in front of Earth. It makes Tesla the focus, and it doesn’t need to be there, and it bugs me that it is there, and it bugs me even more that someone can see it and think “Cool, a car in space!” rather than “But why?” Being in space on its own is worthy of attention, we don’t need to put a Tesla there to make it inspiring.

Again, contrary to what this thread would make it seem, I don’t fault anyone for being excited about this with no caveat. It’s exciting! I just can’t ignore the other side of it in the name of having fun.

Here's an alternative perspective for you. Elon Musk has said that his goal is to get humans living on Mars. The cost of doing so is astronomical (yes, I did just go there). Elon Musk has put a ton of his personal money, time, and reputation on the line to get both Tesla and SpaceX to a place where they should make enough money for him to fund such an expedition (eventually). So if you want to view it in the perspective that Elon is doing this for advertising, then you should view it as advertising that will help Tesla make money, which in turn helps Elon earn his bonuses which he can then turn around and use to further the colonization of Mars.

Personally I think it's just Elon having some fun. I mean that's why he used S3XY for the Tesla car names and BFR for the Big Falcon Rocket concept. Also, they did put some scientific equipment on board with the car (cameras) and sent it on a trajectory that hasn't been seen before (though I don't know if the cameras will work at long range or not).

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