Exhibit A *IMG* (Destiny)
I dunno, it's just not my thing. The "work in progress" cover on the Destiny pre-order page with the Traveler orbiting Earth was prettyful enough for me. Looking at it now makes me think it'll grow on me with time. Thoughts?
I think it's important to remember that the final box art isn't for people like you and me. No, we've already been sold. They had us at Alpha Lupi. The box art is for people who don't know about customizable characters, The Traveler, The City, Space Magic, Titans, Warlocks, Hunters, Vex, Cabal, The Fallen, Gjallerhorn, Red Death, Pikes, Sparrows, FOTC, New Monarchy, or The Frontier (whew!). It's for people who haven't already been sold on Destiny or even parents of gamers who want to know something about the title before they buy it.
Those potential customers should be able to pick up the box and in a few brief seconds be able to glean enough information about the game that their interest is piqued and either turn the box over for a description or even ask the person behind the counter for more information. Therefore, it's important that the cover convey as much about the themes of the game as possible while still being visually interesting. There's actually quite a bit of information loaded into the new design once I started looking for it:
Also, I think it's important to note that the Titan is female (I think). It speaks to the fact that our character can be whoever we are, and neither male or female have to be gratuitous about their sex. The subtlety of it is refreshing.
The colors seem cool and well oriented and the Traveler looming over everyone is nice, but the orientation of the Guardians throw it off completely. I don't care much for them trying to look badass staring endlessly at nothing, and shame on that Hunter for not exercising proper manners by facing the camera. Rude!
I think there's an interesting psychology at play with the characters looking away from us (well, except for backwards-helmet-Hunter, but I expect/hope that may change). In Destiny, we become our characters and build our own story, so the fact that the viewer is looking in the same direction as the figures is actually pretty powerful. If the Guardians were all turned to be facing us, then that would automatically set up an opposition that would separate the gamer from the characters; it would suggest that the game is their story and we're only experiencing it for a while.
I imagine that many of us on DBO love the announcement postcard and will always consider it to be an icon of Destiny, but it was always a little too subtle to be the primary point of contact on store shelves.
Limited Editions are another thing entirely, though, so maybe we'll see the Traveler/Earth image there. Either way, I think the new box is pretty solid.
Complete thread:
- PlayStation reveals Destiny boxart and info -
2013-09-30, 06:04
- And new trailer tomorrow! Don't forget that, hedge! -
2013-09-30, 06:27
- And new trailer tomorrow! Don't forget that, hedge! -
2013-09-30, 07:07
- It's horrible. -
2013-09-30, 07:36
- It's horrible. -
2013-09-30, 08:18
- It's horrible. - Quirel, 2013-09-30, 23:28
- Wow. Not even 'average', 'mediocre', or even 'bad'? -
2013-09-30, 10:16
- Those Baby's got back - MrPadraig08, 2013-09-30, 12:06
- Wow. Not even 'average', 'mediocre', or even 'bad'? -
2013-09-30, 17:53
- Wow. Not even 'average', 'mediocre', or even 'bad'? - ZackDark, 2013-09-30, 18:00
- Wow. Not even 'average', 'mediocre', or even 'bad'? - uberfoop, 2013-09-30, 19:03
- It's horrible. - Kermit, 2013-09-30, 11:44
- It's horrible. -
2013-09-30, 08:18
- And new trailer tomorrow! Don't forget that, hedge! -
2013-09-30, 08:55
- And new trailer tomorrow! Don't forget that, hedge! - marmot 1333, 2013-09-30, 09:38
- And new trailer tomorrow! Don't forget that, hedge! -
2013-09-30, 10:12
- And new trailer tomorrow! Don't forget that, hedge! -
2013-09-30, 10:19
- And new trailer tomorrow! Don't forget that, hedge! -
2013-09-30, 10:33
- And new trailer tomorrow! Don't forget that, hedge! -
2013-09-30, 10:55
- And new trailer tomorrow! Don't forget that, hedge! - Malagate, 2013-09-30, 14:13
- And new trailer tomorrow! Don't forget that, hedge! -
2013-09-30, 10:55
- And new trailer tomorrow! Don't forget that, hedge! -
2013-09-30, 10:33
- And new trailer tomorrow! Don't forget that, hedge! -
2013-09-30, 10:19
- It's horrible. -
2013-09-30, 07:36
- And new trailer tomorrow! Don't forget that, hedge! -
2013-09-30, 07:07
- Wonder what the "new location" will be in the trailer? -
2013-09-30, 06:53
- More likely: post-apocalyptic Disneyland
- MrPadraig08, 2013-09-30, 06:54
- I can't wait to see It's a Small World in ruins - Mr Daax, 2013-09-30, 07:55
- Wonder what the "new location" will be in the trailer? - Hypertrooper, 2013-09-30, 06:56
- Wonder what the "new location" will be in the trailer? -
2013-09-30, 08:19
- Wonder what the "new location" will be in the trailer? -
2013-09-30, 08:23
- You never fail to prep my expectations for dangerous levels
- MrPadraig08, 2013-09-30, 08:26
- You never fail to prep my expectations for dangerous levels -
2013-09-30, 08:31
- You never fail to prep my expectations for dangerous levels -
2013-09-30, 08:54
- You never fail to prep my expectations for dangerous levels - kapowaz, 2013-09-30, 09:12
- You never fail to prep my expectations for dangerous levels -
2013-09-30, 08:54
- You never fail to prep my expectations for dangerous levels -
2013-09-30, 08:31
- Wonder what the "new location" will be in the trailer? -
2013-09-30, 08:30
- Wonder what the "new location" will be in the trailer? - Xenos, 2013-09-30, 08:38
- You never fail to prep my expectations for dangerous levels
- Wonder what the "new location" will be in the trailer? -
2013-09-30, 17:19
- Kind of a bummer, but not much - ZackDark, 2013-09-30, 17:28
- Wonder what the "new location" will be in the trailer? -
2013-09-30, 08:23
- More likely: post-apocalyptic Disneyland
- PlayStation reveals Destiny boxart and info - Xenos, 2013-09-30, 07:14
- Disappointing. -
2013-09-30, 08:29
- Disappointing. -
2013-09-30, 08:32
- Disappointing. -
2013-09-30, 08:40
- Disappointing. - Kermit, 2013-09-30, 10:09
- Disappointing. -
2013-09-30, 08:40
- Disappointing. -
2013-09-30, 08:42
- Disappointing. -
2013-09-30, 08:48
- Disappointing. -
Claude Errera,
2013-09-30, 12:14
- Disappointing. -
Cody Miller,
2013-10-01, 00:58
- Disappointing. - kapowaz, 2013-10-01, 01:57
- Disappointing. -
Cody Miller,
2013-10-01, 00:58
- Disappointing. -
Claude Errera,
2013-09-30, 12:14
- Disappointing. -
2013-09-30, 08:48
- Disappointing. -
2013-09-30, 08:32
- Kinda super meh -
2013-09-30, 09:07
- Kinda super meh - Axelrod vK, 2013-09-30, 10:23
- Exhibit A *IMG* -
2013-09-30, 12:15
- Exhibit A *IMG* - MrPadraig08, 2013-09-30, 12:28
- Summed up my thoughts very nicely
- ZackDark, 2013-09-30, 12:35
- This is why it doesn't do it for me. - Malagate, 2013-09-30, 13:44
- Exhibit A *IMG* -
2013-09-30, 14:33
- But I showered and everything!
- Beorn, 2013-09-30, 15:22
- Exhibit A *IMG* -
Cody Miller,
2013-09-30, 15:56
- Exhibit A *IMG* -
2013-09-30, 16:08
- Exhibit A *IMG* -
Cody Miller,
2013-09-30, 17:03
- Not my Sheppard -
2013-09-30, 17:21
- Flip the cover around. :p
- Ragashingo, 2013-09-30, 17:21
- Still not my Sheppard...
- ZackDark, 2013-09-30, 17:28
- Try one more time… - Ragashingo, 2013-09-30, 17:32
- Still not my Sheppard...
- Flip the cover around. :p
- Exhibit A *IMG* - Ragashingo, 2013-09-30, 17:25
- Not my Sheppard -
2013-09-30, 17:21
- Exhibit A *IMG* - SonofMacPhisto, 2013-10-05, 13:40
- Exhibit A *IMG* -
Cody Miller,
2013-09-30, 17:03
- Exhibit A *IMG* -
2013-09-30, 16:08
- But I showered and everything!
- Exhibit A *IMG* -
2013-09-30, 19:24
- Exhibit A *IMG* -
2013-09-30, 20:30
- Exhibit A *IMG* - Fuertisimo, 2013-10-01, 00:03
- Exhibit A *IMG* -
2013-09-30, 20:30
- Very cool! -
2013-09-30, 10:06
- I Respectfully Disagree. -
2013-09-30, 12:58
- In Fact . . . -
2013-09-30, 13:28
- Interesting -
2013-09-30, 13:35
- Interesting -
2013-09-30, 13:59
- Interesting - Beorn, 2013-09-30, 14:10
- Interesting -
2013-09-30, 13:59
- Interesting -
2013-09-30, 13:35
- Different tastes for different shakes. -
2013-09-30, 15:03
- Different tastes for different shakes. -
2013-09-30, 15:17
- Different tastes for different shakes. - Leviathan, 2013-09-30, 15:57
- Different tastes for different shakes. -
2013-09-30, 15:17
- In Fact . . . -
2013-09-30, 13:28
- I Respectfully Disagree. -
2013-09-30, 12:58
- Sweet, however, surprising. - GrimBrother IV, 2013-09-30, 10:39
- Interesting - Zero, 2013-09-30, 11:01
- At least I got the trailer part right. - GrizzNKev, 2013-09-30, 11:30
- Neat! - Chewbaccawakka, 2013-09-30, 12:36
- The Designer in me doesn't like it. -
2013-09-30, 12:50
- Good call - ZackDark, 2013-09-30, 12:55
- I wouldn't be at all surprised... -
TTL Demag0gue,
2013-09-30, 13:06
- I wouldn't be at all surprised... - Leviathan, 2013-09-30, 15:05
- Guessing we will see a release date or beta announcment.
- GrimBrother IV, 2013-09-30, 13:14
- That is my guess too - Xenos, 2013-09-30, 13:26
- PlayStation reveals Destiny boxart and info - Zeouterlimits, 2013-09-30, 14:21
- Teaser trailer for tomorrow reveals where we're going! - Zeouterlimits, 2013-09-30, 14:43
- Heroes with guns? Okay. But not like this. -
2013-09-30, 19:12
- Heroes with guns? Okay. But not like this. - GhaleonEB, 2013-09-30, 19:59
- Heroes with guns? Okay. But not like this. - Destiny Updates, 2013-09-30, 20:03
- You know what we need? Reversible box art. -
2013-09-30, 22:32
- You know what we need? Reversible box art. -
2013-09-30, 22:36
- You know what we need? Reversible box art. -
Destiny Updates,
2013-09-30, 22:40
- You know what we need? Reversible box art. -
2013-09-30, 23:06
- You know what we need? Reversible box art. -
Destiny Updates,
2013-10-01, 01:57
- Yours doesn't? - SonofMacPhisto, 2013-10-05, 13:32
- You know what we need? Reversible box art. -
Destiny Updates,
2013-10-01, 01:57
- You know what we need? Reversible box art. -
2013-09-30, 23:06
- You know what we need? Reversible box art. -
2013-09-30, 23:00
- You know what we need? Reversible box art. - Destiny Updates, 2013-10-01, 01:58
- You know what we need? Reversible box art. -
Destiny Updates,
2013-09-30, 22:40
- You know what we need? Reversible box art. - Grizzlei, 2013-09-30, 22:39
- You know what we need? Reversible box art. - Kermit, 2013-10-01, 08:07
- You know what we need? Reversible box art. -
2013-09-30, 22:36
- Heroes with guns? Okay. But not like this. -
Cody Miller,
2013-10-01, 00:32
- Heroes with guns? Okay. But not like this. - broony, 2013-10-01, 03:03
- I liked the placeholder art better. - ShadowOfTheVoid, 2013-09-30, 19:12
- And new trailer tomorrow! Don't forget that, hedge! -
2013-09-30, 06:27