
Interesting (Destiny)

by Malagate @, Sea of Tranquility, Monday, September 30, 2013, 13:59 (4151 days ago) @ Beorn

Just a quick test just to play with that idea. Quite frankly I really don't even care about the composition anymore. I think the thing that gets me the most - and no doubt this is all psychology 101 (OH GEEEZ!) - its that the characters backs are all toward the viewer. We can't see anything. Just... You aren't part of our team. :(

I like that recreation, but see my argument for having the characters face the other way.

I can see both sides, and I initially came to the same conclusion you did about it being the player's story and not needing an iconic face.

But I can't deny that seeing the front of the characters was way more appealing, plus it added the armor as a visual element I immediately wanted to know more about. I think that the colors are a bit brighter, which was one of my gripes, also helped.


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