
Exhibit A *IMG* (Destiny)

by INSANEdrive, ಥ_ಥ | f(ಠ‿↼)z | ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ| ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, Monday, September 30, 2013, 14:33 (4151 days ago) @ Beorn

I think there's an interesting psychology at play with the characters looking away from us (well, except for backwards-helmet-Hunter, but I expect/hope that may change). In Destiny, we become our characters and build our own story, so the fact that the viewer is looking in the same direction as the figures is actually pretty powerful. If the Guardians were all turned to be facing us, then that would automatically set up an opposition that would separate the gamer from the characters; it would suggest that the game is their story and we're only experiencing it for a while.

Are we not going to meet others in our path of Destiny? I think - and I am aware the possible kettle-black nature of this statement, you are thinking too much into it. :) (Oh man)

Yes - true, we do have customization options, but such a thing would be very hard to express with a simple "cover art" picture. I for one, when I put my self in a thought experiment where I have no idea what the game "Destiny" is at all, see no correlation with the image on the box and the thought of "customizability". It would be (and is) 1000 times easier to be expressed on the back of the box instead of the back of the characters.As stated in my post - all it really does is shun (the filthy nonbelievers :P).

So - I find your point to be moot. And you smell bad. </3


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