
Exhibit A *IMG* (Destiny)

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Monday, September 30, 2013, 17:25 (4151 days ago) @ Cody Miller
edited by Ragashingo, Monday, September 30, 2013, 17:39

Everybody plays Mass Effect as a variant of Commander Shepard. It's pretty much the same for all the big name first person games that I've played recently. I was never the Master Chief, Alan Wake, Corvo, or Booker DeWitt. They were their own characters who I happened to get to control for a while.

The only games doing it differently that I can think of recently are Skyrim, who's main box art features no character at all, and the last two Bungie games. ODST has a side shot of The Rookie, and Reach doesn't have Noble Six on the front at all.

Seems pretty consistent that Bungie gives us characters facing away on the Destiny box art at the same time they give us the most control of our characters they ever have.

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