
And new trailer tomorrow! Don't forget that, hedge! (Destiny)

by Malagate @, Sea of Tranquility, Monday, September 30, 2013, 14:13 (4151 days ago) @ Leviathan

I thought they said race was purely cosmetic. Still, though, I generally like the "keep it simple" philosophy. Each new class grows the complexity of balance dramatically, so I'd much rather have three well-designed, well-balanced classes than 4 or 5 that are perhaps a bit less tight. I think we're going to have our hands full with this brand new universe and everything that comes with it, so I'm not too worried about a plethora of class choices.

Yeah, I could be totally wrong about race being meaningful. Too much Elder Scrolls in my brain!

It would be a terrible shame to waste all the rich possibilities of race making a difference in both gameplay and canon. I could understand a choice against it on gameplay grounds, but from world-building aspect, I'm sure there's lots more we'll learn.

Plus, they've gotta leave something for future titles! ;-)

Yep! I'd much rather see them nail three classes for this one and then slowly add more in sequels instead of confuse the sandbox with too many non-distinct classes.

Mass Effect 3's multiplayer had several different playable races, all but the Hanar and Elkor, I believe. And across each of the classes, the traits of that race factored in to how they played. It was really well done. I'd love to see a similar dynamic at play in Destiny, but I would err on the side of fewer yet better-developed choices.


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