
Exhibit A *IMG* (Destiny)

by SonofMacPhisto @, Saturday, October 05, 2013, 13:40 (4152 days ago) @ Beorn

Yes, because Half Life, the game credited with jump starting the 'you are the character' thing TOTALLY had Gordon Freeman facing away from you on the cover :-p

I don't think your theory is solid.

I don't think your analogy is solid.

No, the analogy is solid. Here's why. The game itself will prove it, which is the point.

Back to Half-Life.

No cutscenes. No breaks. Very little story. You're given tidbits at an opportune time, and heck, you can even ignore the vast majority of them (apologies to that one Barney at the end of the rail line that I killed a lot. I'm sure your words were important, bro!). You're given the freedom to interpret it however you want (Yahtzee wrote a real great piece on this very thing, actually. I encourage you to find it.)

Also, just to confirm Beorn, have you played Half-Life? I'm not asking in a gotcha manner, I just want to confirm so I know we've both played it. If you have, you clearly see it differently than me, which is fine. Your kink is not my kink but your kink is ok.

In a way, it's more open than Mass Effect and Deux Ex because you could do whatever the hell you wanted within the confines of the tools and rules you're given. Mass Effect doesn't let you shoot up the Citadel, for example.

And I mean jeeze, we're talking about the cover of the game here. Like we don't look at those mostly because we're busy tearing off the packaging.

If the cover of the game itself is what sells you on the immersion, and not like, you know, the game, then something is terribly wrong here.

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