My first attempts...

by iZac, Shanghai, Sunday, February 24, 2013, 08:36 (4400 days ago) @ ncsuDuncan

- Have fun with it!

Hi chaps, I was lurking on this thread in work this week and didn't really have a chance to have a tinker with it until Sunday afternoon. I noticed that most of the ideas are centred around the traveller and also reference the traveller image / some bungie artwork directly. Now i'm not saying this is bad, in fact it's probably the best solution, since it's the avenue that many are going down. That said, I thought this afternoon I'd try to mix it up a bit and hopefully inspire some more people to help pitch in their creative spark.

I notice from the thread, the staff are keen to incorporate the logo (from the craig mullins artwork) but do not necessarily want it copied wholesale. Secondly they don't want to introduce references to the Bungie logo.

One caveat, i'm not great with Illustrator, so these are pretty simple, and I don't have a mouse so I'm dealing with my trackpad. Excuses over - these tests may not be great, but they are my first thoughts:

I'm partial to this one, though it is a bit 'jokey':

This one needs more work, there is (if you strain your eyes) an inverted D and B and a hint of the logo. needs more work - reminds me of the Ghost in the Shell logo:

I kinda like this because of the Marathon references. I was trying to implement the 'star chart' as was suggested as a reference, and is seen in Bungies ARG tease images, but it need's a lot more work to be successful hard to read the 'd' and 'b':

I don't really like this one and it isn't very 'destiny' just thought I would throw it in, since I'd tinkered with it a bit:

I thought someone might want to nab my cartoony traveller so there's a clean one here:

Lastly, MrPadraig08 drew one that I really liked but didn't get much attention. I just added a "DBO" cos I thought it was fun. World domination and all:

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