Even Simpler

by iZac, Shanghai, Tuesday, February 26, 2013, 08:51 (4374 days ago) @ kapowaz

I think your earlier effort was far more effective. For one, I don't think people should be making drastic changes to the b.org logo — it has a recognisable shape that is easily broken by trying to rework it (there are lots of entries that try to do this, and I think whilst they're interesting in their own right, they're not right for a b.org site).

I think if I were to try and refine the original, I'd focus on trying a few different treatments for the capital letter D. The planet inside forms a negative space reminiscent of the right-side curve of an capital D by itself, so you're already onto a winner, but perhaps there are other aspect ratios that will work better? Or perhaps different corner radii for the left-hand side? Or maybe a stroke to the overall shape…?

Glad to see some assets came in useful, although I agree with Kapowaz, the first version feels more comfortable - the softness of the b.org logo suits the bevelled "D" better than the sharp cornered one. As for taking liberties with the logo, I think it's fine for people to explore, after all we are just developing ideas. For instance, the guys opening proposal only takes the internal circle of the b.org logo and my messing around (for better or worse) just pulled the original Craig Mullins art and re-tooled it a bit. But I do understand the desire to keep the logo as-is - after all someone (Claude?) spent the time and effort to further develop the Mullins art in the first place!

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