
We need Cody to clarify (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Sunday, April 19, 2015, 21:20 (3346 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

When I read Cody's post, it never end occurred to me that he meant "remove the ability for people to play Destiny on 360 & PS3". That would be a harsh move to say the least.

I interpreted his post as "after HoW, Destiny on 360 & PS3 will remain as it is while the PS4 and Xbox One versions will continue to grow and be updated in ways that take full advantage of the hardware".

We need him to clarify, as those are obviously 2 very different suggestions :)

The second option. If you want any content beyond HoW, you would need to upgrade to current gen. You could still play what you already have on last gen.

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