
Totally uncalled for. (Destiny)

by RaichuKFM @, Northeastern Ohio, Sunday, April 19, 2015, 21:52 (3449 days ago) @ Cody Miller

You would lose nothing: just transfer your character to xbox one.

So a few hundred bucks is nothing, now?

Or did the Xbox One and its edition of Destiny (w/ Season Pass, unless that transfers based on account?) have a huge price drop to negligible?

Because otherwise, I think you need to reground yourself with reality. Because you're making statements that show either you don't understand how it works, or that not even you agree with, just to advance your rhetorical position instead of admit you're wrong. "And I don't see how that's anything but sad."

I'd lose all the patches yet to come, not to mention the opportunity for any future DLC, or a bunch of money. That isn't nothing. Don't say it's nothing. Please don't tell me you actually believe it's nothing.

You'd gain Bungie having less limits to development, which they could take better advantage of by just implementing them in a whole new game, so that they could have new environments, and mechanics, and all that. Which is, as I understand it, the actual plan.

Bungie could quite possibly lose more profit off of making no new last-gen sales than they would gain off of not having to develop for it, and the possible increase in next-gen sales due to higher quality.

So, can I kindly ask you to either think things through, or stop spouting things even you don't agree with? Because I thought those were both reasonable expectations for most discussion. When you start complying with those conventions, I'll stop lacing my speech with passive-aggressive barbs at you, which is the main social nicety I'm breaking right now.

How's that sound?

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