
Only kinda sorta uncalled for. (Destiny)

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Monday, April 20, 2015, 14:04 (3448 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

You're basically asking Destiny owners who have not yet shelled out for a new console to pay the price of your impatience because Bungie should prioritize you over them because you bought a new console.

I'm not saying that at all. I'm saying that its a natural reaction for new console owners to get a little frustrated over their game being "held back" because of old hardware. As I said in another post, we knew the game would be a cross-gen title, but we also thought the game would be very different than it is. Bungie specifically showed us things/said things that later had to be taken out, at least in part because the old consoles couldn't handle it.

Such as?

This one's a sore point with me because it feeds directly into the "Bungie lied" nonsense. We know that levels were made the size they were to accommodate the last-gen consoles. That player and AI count per area were kept where they are in order to support last-gen. But what do we know that was removed thanks to last-gen? New content (levels, multiplayer maps, etc) would seem to be a production issue not an engine / next-gen vs last-gen issue since we're getting new maps and levels with each major update. We know there are some levels and perhaps even worlds that didn't make it into the final game (there was once going to be a derelict spaceship we were going to board and fight on according to Jason Jones, and, of course, Saturn, which was mentioned as a destination just once two years before Destiny shipped) but there's no indication those were cut because of technical limitations vs story or production reasons.

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