
On the topic of Next Gen (Destiny)

by iconicbanana, C2-H5-OH + NAD, Portland, OR, Sunday, April 19, 2015, 22:35 (3449 days ago) @ red robber

I've never really thought about it, but I wonder how long they do plan on supporting the past gen consoles. We've heard that Destiny is a ten year game plan with Activision. They can't realistically support 360/PS3 for that long. Heck, they'll be pushing the limits of the new consoles we have now at that point.

Surely they must have an exit strategy in mind for the old gens. The question is when.

I don't think its assholish to suggest moving away from old consoles. I think we can assume it will eventually happen. I also don't think it means they would just intend to leave those folks behind. On the contrary. Think of all the folks that have been able to experience Destiny now who maybe couldn't have because they couldn't afford a next gen console. By keeping old gen in the loop, it makes the player pool bigger now, and probably for the future as well.

I agree with you to an extent, but I think this is the only title on last gen. One launch title to draw in new players and push prospective buyers to get a next-gen console at maximum price; subsequent titles exclusively at next-gen to encourage hesitant buyers to purchase a next-gen at a slight mark down. These decisions are absolutely based (almost exclusively) on what the market dictates.

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