
Only kinda sorta uncalled for. (Destiny)

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Monday, April 20, 2015, 13:32 (3448 days ago) @ Cody Miller
edited by Ragashingo, Monday, April 20, 2015, 14:10

And throwing away millions in games sales from a console with much more market penetration. It's math son.

Again look at the sales: last gen makes up a very small chunk of Bungie's total for Destiny.

It's time to play Cody Miller's favorite game: Where The Heck Are You Getting Your Numbers?!

I've found just two main sources of Destiny sales figures that split it by console. The first is from GfK Chart-Track from around Destiny's launch. It shows a split of 46% PS4, 34% XBone, 14% 360, 4% PS3. Very notably these are first week figures for the UK only that do not include digital downloads. The second figures come from VGChartz and show a sales split of 4.67M PS4, 2.56M XBone, 1.59M 360, 1.35 PS3. Persumably, these figures are up to date and include all sales.

So, either way you cut it, last-gen Destiny has anywhere from 18% to 28% market share. Obviously, the trend was to buy Destiny on next-gen, but ~20% to 30% of sales isn't exactly "a very small chunk" either...

But perhaps you have data that shows all that to be wrong?

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