
Totally uncalled for. (Destiny)

by RaichuKFM @, Northeastern Ohio, Sunday, April 19, 2015, 22:03 (3355 days ago) @ Cody Miller

And you shouldn't care what I call you. I'm just some random asshole on the internet, for all you should care.

What you should care about is if I have a point.

So, I'd like to ask, do I have a point?

Or do you have some answer to the concerns I raised that doesn't involve admitting that you said something you knew was bullshit, admitting to a worldview significantly divorced from actual reality (which I am confident you don't have), or pretending I didn't have reasonable criticisms of your statements here?

Because if you don't, I think it might be time to examine your rhetoric, or at least admit that you're wrong in some fashion. Sincerely; this isn't a barb. Even if someone who brings up a fault is being an ass about it, it might be worth examining if the criticism is nevertheless valid.

And, for my part? I'm sorry I've been hostile. I'll tone it down, promise.

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