
It is quite petty regardless (Destiny)

by Durandal, Sunday, April 19, 2015, 22:00 (3346 days ago) @ RaichuKFM

The 360/PS3 systems have different teams working on them then the XB1/PS4. Bungie has tried to provide patches for the same issues at the same time to support those players and ensure they feel included and not as much 2nd class citizens.

To cut those teams in order to divert development to your own platform in the belief it will give you more content or somehow stop holding back on your platform of choice is petty.

Look at how much grief XB1 owners have for not getting gear and strikes. Now compound that for last gen by ceasing updates and new content. It is very petty to suggest that.

As for his other suggestions it is the usual laundry list from Cody. Some good, some bad, all to suit his own tastes. On the update side though, he is helpless. The lifecycle update plan for the expansions and support is already set. You can't simply wave a wand and move all those resources over, nor can you cancel those planned updates and support. Some people are specialized for those legacy platforms. In addition contracts for support, servers, and DLC are for set and can't be cancelled on a whim.

Even if Cody were teleported to Bungie tomorrow and made King he could not make that change. So stop harping on it.

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