
Only kinda sorta uncalled for. (Destiny)

by narcogen ⌂ @, Andover, Massachusetts, Monday, April 20, 2015, 12:13 (3346 days ago) @ Cody Miller

You're basically asking Destiny owners who have not yet shelled out for a new console to pay the price of your impatience because Bungie should prioritize you over them because you bought a new console.

Bungie should prioritize making the best game they can. That means ditching old hardware.

Only for a limited definition of "best".

You trot this kind of absolutist nonsense out way too damn often to be taken seriously.

The "best game they could make" would run only on the best possible console, which no one could afford to own. Going down this road eventually leads to questions like whether or not God can microwave a burrito so hot even he cannot eat it.

Bungie can, should, and to some measurable extent has, make the best game that is practically possible to be consumed by an optimal population, preferably one that generates enough revenue to justify continued support and development.

If it made sense to drop such support, they would do it. When it makes sense to drop such support, they will drop it. It should be obvious why such support was not dropped at the start of development, and having made that call then, it should be obvious why it is not so easily dropped now, especially considering that the next gen versions will not magically overcome the limitations of the game's design merely because Bungie stops developing or supporting the last gen versions.

What your screed completely fails to justify is why a theoretical threat to ragequit from the next gen owners like you and me is any more worthwhile or credible than the theoretical ragequit threat from last gen owners.

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