Only kinda sorta uncalled for. (Destiny)

by Avateur @, Tuesday, April 21, 2015, 03:30 (3447 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

They've made a boatload of money and sold a ton of copies currently, sure. The problem is, Destiny largely disappointed, was not very well reviewed, and the population has had quite the drop. This House of Wolves news won't help it. So the question becomes, what happens when Destiny 2 comes out and they try to earn trust back and turn that into sales? I think people are going to be far more cautious in general as well as potentially disinterested in the sequel based on the way Destiny itself has played out.

Dropping support or development of the last gen isn't going to happen. It's on Cody's wish list because, frankly, putting all resources into the current generation of consoles would probably be Bungie's best bet. Could you imagine if Destiny 2 got the fast track somehow, launched next year, and was everything Destiny 1 should have been and more? Talk about a turn around! Unfortunately, that's not going to happen. Frankly, I'll be shocked if this Comet thing lives up to any hype or drastically improves Destiny.

Edit: And this is all coming from someone who actually still enjoys and has fun with Destiny, problems and all!

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