
Gah, my poor XBox copy of Destiny. :( (Destiny)

by Korny @, Dalton, Ga. US. Earth, Sol System, Friday, August 14, 2015, 14:17 (3332 days ago) @ dogcow

JK! Yay for G-Horn! My Xbox exotic collection is complete!!!!!

So, I'm sitting here thinking, "gee, should I buy some extra GHorns for my PS characters?" and then I realize, I don't have one on the xbox, and my lvl 6 xbox character is nowhere near SC needed to buy one. Now I'm sad.

Save all engrams and run Crucible. You'll be 20 in under five hours. Use engrams to boost Light level. Get carried through Raids, be 30 in under 5 hours. Run weekly and use motes for coins. Ha Gally Before the reset.

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