
+1 but... (Destiny)

by Kermit @, Raleigh, NC, Friday, August 14, 2015, 16:55 (3230 days ago) @ Miguel Chavez

I've got a theory that extends beyond gaming and goes into areas that aren't really suitable for discussion here. I'll still try to describe it briefly: It's not always easy for anyone to understand what precisely is bothering them. I think many people are mad or anxious about a lot of things in the world. If they're angry, I think it's because they had a belief that things would be better if this and that happened, but the reality is in contrast to that. There's a lot of anxiety regardless, and now we have the means to express ourselves to many other people simultaneously, so we get a steady diet of others' anger, anxiety, outrage over the injustice du jour, and so on, and just as we've talked about with the DBO culture, that tends to affect everyone and everyone's judgment. A lot of unhappy people get their unhappy feelings validated by other unhappy people. First impressions probably count more than ever in that they quickly are disseminated, and Bungie has had their work cut out for them considering the initial reception of Destiny.

TL:DR: It's the g**d*** 70s again, except this time the Internet is here to magnify our malaise.

…. those were the golden years of auteur cinema!

Ain't that the gospel truth.

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